Bethel Tidings Vol. 78 April 21st, 2024, No. 16

Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

I recently sat down with a long-time friend and colleague in ministry. Chris and I were in youth ministry, planning conferences in the late 1900’s. We’ve grown and matured (some) into different roles over the last 25 years. Our conversation ranged all over the map, from family, current activities, past memories, and future goals. But as always, we spent much of our time talking about the direction and purpose of the church and its work in our world.

When Jesus commissioned his disciples to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19), he was directing them to bring a message of reconciliation and change. One of the outcomes of that mission has been the development of the Church, which is a good thing. I love church, but the church, as an institution, is not the mission. It is, instead, a tool for helping develop and encourage disciples to grow and mature in their faith. The mission is, and has always been, disciple-making.

When Jesus talks about a disciple, he insists on three things (Mark 8:34-38): Denying yourself, taking up your cross and following Him. As a starting point, this involves some scrutiny of our priorities and actions. What is most important to me in how I live and act? In essence, it is asking, “Who is the Lord in my life?” Is it me or God? Following Jesus points towards emulating what He did, which was give himself up on the behalf of others. How are we living that out in our lives?      
Pastor Rick


*** If you have a need or know of someone in need, please call Janet Hanlin (920-535-0021), who represents Bethel’s Deacons. We can help!

*** The Giving Option is live on Bethel’s website:

*** Sunday School: Mike Thielke continues his study, “Acknowledging God” at 9:30 a.m.

*** Sunday Service at 10:45 a.m. in the Sanctuary. Pastor Rick begins his new series, “What We Are/Who We Are: How the Scriptures Describe Followers of Jesus.” Week #2 Beloved Friends.

*** Bethel Youth Group:  Middle School students (grades 5-8) will meet on Mondays from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at church. Any questions please ask Leila Nehlsen or Hannah Dusik.

*** Senior High Youth Group Senior High Youth Group will meet Sundays at 4:00 p.m. at Tom and Michele Jordan’s,1481 Main Road.

*** Ladies’ Evening Bible study will meet Thursdays at 6:00 p.m. We will be going through a series by Ann Graham Lotz on Revelation. Please contact Michelle Griggs regarding interest and information at 317-696-0997.

*** Ladies’ Afternoon Bible study Thursdays at 3:00 p.m. The study is on Sermon on the Mount by Jen Wilkins. Please contact Betty Lou at 920-396-0267 regarding interest and information.

*** UPDATE: Men’s Bible Study: This week’s study will be meeting at church and not Doug Hansen’s house. Time remains the same, 7:00 a.m.

*** Prayer and Worship evening on the 3rd Sunday of the month. This Sunday April 21st starting at 7:00 p.m.

*** Book Club: Our April book read is “My Mothers Secret” by J. L. Witterick. Discussion will be Monday, April 22nd at 6:00 p.m. at Bethel Church.

*** Bethel Builders’ final preparations for the Mother Daughter Banquet is May 6th. Please plan to attend. We will meet at 2:00 p.m. in Memorial Hall. Thank you, in advance for your willingness to volunteer for this Island event!

*** Donna Briesemeister turns 80 this month! Let’s help her celebrate with lots of cards expressing a memory or blessing. Her address is:

Donna Briesemeister
P.O. Box 247
Washington Island, WI 54246

*** If you can help: Becky Gillespie’s sister, Bonnie Williamson Chapin, lost her house to a fire this week. It burned to the ground, and they escaped with only what they were wearing. Her daughter has started a go fund me page. If you go to MaeAnna Homp on Facebook, you can find the go fund me donation link.*** If you’re interested in becoming a member of Bethel Church, let Pastor Rick, or any of the Elders know. The process is simple: an application, meet with the Elder Board and confess your faith in Jesus.


*** WICHP Hours are Tue. 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Wed. 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and Fridays 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.  WICHP at 920-847-2108.

*** Blood Pressure Clinic: Tuesday April 23rd 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in Trinity Fellowship Hall.

*** Congratulations to ALex and Sarah (Waldron) Gasper who welcomed Audrey Rose Gasper on March 27th, 2024, 7 lbs. 5 oz. She was born in Raleigh, NC. Maternal grandparents are Laura and Steve Waldron (Washington Island) and paternal grandparents are Tim and Sandy Gasper (Raleigh, NC).

*** From the Sturgeon Bay Advocate, November 2nd, 1916: “Washington Island seems to be something like an oasis in a potato desert this fall. There will be shipped from here somewhat In the neighborhood of 20,000 bushels of potatoes. While this is is considerable less than one half of the usual production the frantic efforts of outside parties to secure potatoes would indicate a great scarcity in other places. At this writing practically all of the potatoes here are sold or contracted for, the latest and highest price to the grower being $L30 per bushel.”

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