Bethel Tidings Vol. 78 April 14th, 2024, No. 15

The Well’s Gone Dry?

One regular motif in John’s Gospel is Jesus’ reference to himself being the source of living water. With the woman at the well (John 4:10-15), later with another crowd (John 6:35-40), even at one of the major feasts in Jerusalem (John 7:37-39), Jesus claims he’s a 24/7 source for anyone who’s thirsty. It becomes clear the imagery here is not of actual water but of wetting someone’s spiritual thirst. If you are looking for meaning, depth and purpose in a world that feels parched and dry, Jesus is emphatic that he is the source that quenches.

In light of this promise, however, there’s a moment of the cross that seems disconcerting. Jesus says, “I thirst” (John 28). It feels innocuous enough, at first glance. Who wouldn’t be thirsty after hanging outside for hours and hours. Jesus was a real man with a real body in real anguish. But is there more to this? For the source of living water to say “I thirst” feels on par with his crying out, “My God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46). What’s happened to the source of living water?

NT Wright writes that this is part of the truth of it all. Jesus comes to the place of all of us, a place of thirst, shame, and death. And in meeting us in our desperateness, his emptiness enables us to be filled. We matter enough for the living well to be emptied. Will you receive this living water? Will you recognize your thirst and let Jesus quench it with his love (Romans 5:8)?                                
Pastor Rick


*** If you have a need or know of someone in need, please call Janet Hanlin (920-535-0021), who represents Bethel’s Deacons. We can help!

*** The Giving Option is live on Bethel’s website:

*** Sunday School: Mike Thielke continues his study, “Acknowledging God” at 9:30 a.m.

*** Sunday Service at 10:45 a.m. in the Sanctuary. Pastor Rick begins his new series, “What We Are/Who We Are: How the Scriptures Describe Followers of Jesus.” Week #1 Disciples

*** Bethel Youth Group:  Middle School students (grades 5-8) will meet on Mondays from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at church. Any questions please ask Leila Nehlsen or Hannah Dusik.

*** Ladies’ Evening Bible study will meet Thursdays at 6:00 p.m. We will be going through a series by Ann Graham Lotz on Revelation.

*** Ladies’ Afternoon Bible study Thursdays at 3:00 p.m. The study is on Sermon on the Mount by Jen Wilkins.

*** Men’s Bible Study: Doug Hansen is hosting this study at his place at 7:00 a.m. Tuesdays. Address: 1258 Deer Run.

*** Prayer and Worship evening on the 3rd Sunday of the month. Next one is Sunday April 21st starting at 7:00 p.m.

*** Book Club: Our April book read is “My Mothers Secret” by J. L. Witterick. Discussion April 22nd at 6:00 p.m. at Bethel Church.

*** Bethel Builders will meet Monday, April 15th, 2:00 p.m. in Bethel Memorial Hall. Please plan on attending, as we’ll be planning for the Mother Daughter Banquet.

*** Memorial Service for Jim Esperson will be held on Saturday, April 13th at 11:00 a.m.

*** Men’s Breakfast: Saturday, April 13th at 8:00 a.m. in Memorial Hall. Bring a buddy and enjoy a great breakfast, fantastic fellowship, and a meaningful message.*** The church is looking at hosting (but not run) a daycare here in Memorial Hall. Some island parents and others are putting together a business model for it. We have had positive member feedback on this to date. We will plan to go forward with this unless we hear from concerns. If you do have one, please contact Pastor Rick or another Elder. We will do our best to make sure we have things worked out and cross the t’s and dot the i’s, as it were. A fence for the playground will be part of the process.


A storm shut down power on the Island last week. As far as we know, power has been restored to everyone on the island. We are so thankful for our dedicated workers at the REA (Electric Co-Op). They put in long hours in some unpleasant places. Why do wires go down where there are so many trees in the way? Thank you to all who helped out! ***A memorial service was held for Lonnie Johnson on April 6th at Bethel. Thanks for coming out to remember him, and for so many who helped make the lunch after a good time for Carolyn, Heather and Kayla

*** Donna Briesemeister turns 80 this month! Let’s help her celebrate with lots of cards expressing a memory or blessing. Her address is:

Donna Briesemeister

P.O. Box 247

Washington Island, WI 54246

*** WICHP April Luncheon: Senior Life Solutions Program & Depression: Jennalee Lundquist, Program Director at the Senior Life Solutions Program with DCMC is our keynote speaker Thursday April 18th luncheon.  We will meet in the Trinity Fellowship Hall from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. For reservations call 920-847-2108 or email or by Tuesday April 16th @ 3:00 pm.

*** Congratulations: Vella May Schroeder born 3/30/24, daughter of John Schroeder and Alyssa Schroeder-Mann, granddaughter of Jill and Orion Mann and great granddaughter of Gordon and Donna Jorgenson.

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